Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why yes, I do update

Failure so far today:
1. Calling parents sober. Oops. That third glass of wine was calling.

2. Resisting the cookies. Cookies. Cookies. This is why my skinny jeans don't fit.

3. Doing work. TPS - suck it!

4. Going to church. An ongoing failure in my life.

Successes so far today:
1. Going on a run. 4 miles. Hell yes.

2. Making Butternut Squash Lasagna. Yes, my husband ate half of it.

3. Doing laundry.

4. Finding my "business casual clothes" for the field trip. Yes, I need those DKNY heels. I do.

5. And oh yes. This picture:

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I'm totally a kid on my first break from school. Off to the beach - I'm taking a small suitcase so I'm only going to have flip-flops and swim suits!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


"Does anyone know what DSAT is?"

"No....just another way to torture us, I suppose."

"Well, I'm sure it's better than anal..."

"We don't know that yet."

Friday, May 28, 2010


One of the many many many things I need to learn to stop doing: use the SMS feature on my phone with alcohol. Some phone numbers we keep because we need to know not to respond. I'm afraid I'm turning into one of those...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Unprofessional Bitching about Coworkers


Herein I shall be unprofessional. File this one under "proof of humanity."

So I had to produce a technical document with one of my coworkers - someone who isn't as experienced as I am at producing said documents. I ended up doing all the work (he did proofread once...when I was hungover, recuperating from some really bad undocumented stupidity). So today I had to read another set of similar documents, in which the team had actually cooperated.

Yes, I could have done a much better job. On one hand, I'm very frustrated with myself that I did not do a better job. On the other hand, I'm frustrated that I went through this one alone.

I really need to get over myself and stop thinking that this particular area is my specialty. Obviously, I still have a lot to learn.

I should also probably spend less time dicking around the internet, buying shoes, shopping for things I'll never wear, and focus more on studying. Because we're not really coworkers, we're classmates.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

River Tam

Tonight I have the mighty need to study FSOS (first and second order systems...sung as "FAAAAA.........SSSOOOOOOOOOOOsss) sort of because I have a test tomorrow. The good thing is that I actually think I understand it better than I did when I took it at GT. The bad thing is...well...I have a test tomorrow and I don't understand it well enough.

When I have the mighty need to do such things I will do anything in my power to avoid actually doing them. I did get in a lovely study session this afternoon but then when I got home I needed to: shower (long sweaty run), eat gingersnaps, costume myself as River Tam, eat rice with hoisin sauce, dance around the house, lay in bed complaining about studying, and then walk around the neighborhood with my husband.

Now that I'm done studying: blogging, more gingersnaps, and shopping on Etsy. I did get a good luck text from someone who was in a very good mood...which was incredibly contagious.

Monday, May 17, 2010


My sister got her PhD in French this weekend. She is awesome!

I did something incredibly stupid Friday night - something I can't talk about here but I want to. See, I started this in the hope that I could use this forum as a place to hash out the incredible stupidity of what I'm doing now, why I can't seem to stop, and where I need to take my life from here. And now I'm paranoid. Which leads to drinking and ill-advised text messaging late a night. Not only that, I've raised someone else's paranoia level to new heights (and seriously, I thought that wasn't possible).

So, suffice so say, I'm incredibly proud of my sister, my new nephew is amazing, and I'm lost.